- Zhanna Reznikova (2018).
Chapter "ANTS" in : "Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition. A Comparative Guide" (2018). Cambridge University Press. Edited by Nereida Bueno-Guerra (Comillas Pontifical University) and Federica Amici (Universität Leipzig)
- Zhanna Reznikova (2017). Studying Animal Language Without Translation: An Insight From Ants. Springer.
- Zhanna Reznikova (2007). Animal Intelligence Cambridge University Press.
- Papers
- Zhanna Reznkova (2023). Information Theory Opens New Dimensions in Experimental Studies of Animal Behaviour and Communication animals-13-01174-1. Animals, 13, 1174. (This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Animal Cognition and Ethology)
- Zhanna Reznikova, Sofia Panteleeva, Anna Novikovskaya, Jan Levenets, NatalyaLopatina, Yuri Litvinov (2022). Flexibility and rigidity in hunting behaviour in rodents: is there room for cognition? Animal Cognition ,
- Zhanna Reznikova (2021). Ants’ Personality and Its Dependence on Foraging Styles: Research Perspectives. Front. Ecol. Evol., 24 May 2021
- Zhanna Reznikova (2020). Spatial cognition in the context of foraging styles and information transfer in ants Animal Cognition,
- Jan Levenets, Anna Novikovskaya, Sofia Panteleeva, Zhanna Reznikova, and Boris Ryabko (2020). Using Data-Compressors for Classification Hunting Behavioral Sequences in Rodents as “Ethological Texts” Mathematics, 8(4), 579; DOI 10.3390/math8040579
- Zhanna Reznikova, Jan Levenets, Sofia Panteleeva, Anna Novikovskaya, Boris Ryabko, Natalia Feoktistova, Anna Gureeva, and Alexey Surov (2019).Using the Data-Compression Method for Studying Hunting Behavior in Small Mammals. Entropy, 21, 386, doi: 10.3390/e21040368
- Ivan Iakovlev, Zhanna Reznikova (2019). Red Wood Ants Display Natural Aversive Learning Differently Depending on Their Task Specialization. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 10, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00710
- Zhanna Reznikova, Sofia Panteleeva, Natalya Vorobyeva (2019). Precise relative-quantity judgement in the striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius Pallas. Animal Cognition, DOI 10.1007/s10071-019-01244-7
- Zhanna Reznikova, Jan Levenets, Sofia Panteleeva, Boris Ryabko (2017). Studying hunting behaviour in the striped field mouse using data compression.Acta Ethologica. DOI 10.1007/s10211-017-0260-9
- Natalia V. Atsarkina, Sofia N.Panteleeva, Zhanna I. Reznikova (2017). Myrmica rubra Ants Are More Communicative When Young: Do They Need Experience? Journal of Comparative Psychology. DOI 0.1037/com0000067
- I.K. Iakovlev, T.A.Novgorodova, A.V. Tiunov, Zh.I.Reznikova (2017). Trophic position and seasonal changes in the diet of the red wood ant Formica aquilonia as indicated by stable isotope analysis Ecological Entomology, DOI: 10.1111/een.12384
- I. A. Maksimova , A. M. Glushakova , A. V. Kachalkin , I. Yu. Chernov ,S. N. Panteleeva , and Zh. I. Reznikova (2016). Yeast Communities of Formica aquilonia Colonies Microbiology, 85, 1, 124 - 129.
- Zhanna Reznikova (2016). Insight Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer.
- Daniil Ryabko, Zhanna Reznikova (2015). On the evolutionary origins of differences in sexual preferences
.Front. Psychology, 6:628.
- Zhanna Reznikova, Elena Dorosheva (2013). Catalog learning: Carabid beetles learn to manipulate with innate coherent behavioral patterns. Evolutionary Psychology 11(3): 513-537
- Panteleeva S., Reznikova Z. and Vygonyailova O. (2013), Quantity judgments in the context of risk/reward decision making in striped field mice: first "count," then hunt. Front. Psychology 4:53.
- Boris Ryabko, Zhanna Reznikova, Alexey Druzyaka and Sofia Panteleeva, (2013). Using ideas of Kolmogorov complexity for studying biological texts. Theory of Computing Systems, 2013, 52, 1, 133-147.
- Reznikova Zh., Ryabko B., 2012. Ants and Bits. Plenary talk presented at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium of Information Theory. IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, 62, 5, pp. 17 - 20. Video1, Video2, Video3
- E. Frasnelli, I. Iakovlev, and Zh. Reznikova, 2012. Asymmetry in antennal contacts during trophallaxis in ants. Behavioural Brain Research, 232, 1, pp. 7 - 12. Video1, Video2
- Znanna Reznikova, 2012. Animal Intelligence: Schemata for Ordering Learning Classes.In: N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer. Part 1, Pp. 247 - 249.
- Znanna Reznikova, 2012. Altruistic Behaviour and Cognitive Specialization in Animal Communities.In: N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer. Part 1, Pp. 205 - 208.
- Znanna Reznikova, 2012. Animal Culture.In: N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer. Part 1. Pp. 244 - 246.
- Znanna Reznikova, 2012. Intelligent Communication in Animals.In: N. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer. Part 9. Pp. 1597 - 1600.
- Zh. Reznikova, S. Panteleeva, Zh. Danzanov, 2012. A new method for evaluating the complexity of animal behavioral patterns based on the notion of Kolmogorov complexity, with ants' hunting behavior as an example.Neurocomputing 84 (2012) 58-64. A special issue "From Neurons to Behavior: Evidence from Behavioral Measurements", after the "Measuring Behaviour - 2010", 7th International Conference on Methods and Techniques in Behavioral Research (Eindhoven, The Netherlands).
- Zhanna Reznikova and Boris Ryabko, 2011. Numerical competence in animals, with an insight from ants.Behaviour, Volume 148, Number 4, pp. 405-434, 2011
- E. A. Dorosheva, I. K. Yakovlev, and Zh. I. Reznikova, 2011. An Innate Template for Enemy Recognition in Red Wood Ants.Entomological Review, 2011, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 274-280
- S. N. Panteleeva, Zh. A. Danzanov, and Zh. I. Reznikova, 2011. Estimate of Complexity of Behavioral Patterns in Ants: Analysis of Hunting Behavior in Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) as an Example. Entomological Review, 2011, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 221-230
- Zhanna Reznikova, 2011. Division of labour and communication at the individual level in highly social Formica ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).Russian Entomological Journal, 20 (3), pp. 315-319.
- Boris Ryabko and Zhanna Reznikova, 2009. The Use of Ideas of Information Theory for Studying "Language" and Intelligence in Ants. Entropy 2009, 11(4), 836-853
- Zhanna Reznikova and Sofia Panteleeva, 2008. An ant's eye view of culture: propagation of new traditions through triggering dormant behavioural patterns. Acta Ethologica, Volume 11, Number 2, pp. 73-80, 2008
- Zhanna Reznikova, 2008. Experimental paradigms for studying cognition and communication in ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Myrmecological News, 11, pp 201-214
- Zh.I. Reznikova and I.K. Iakovlev, 2008. Development of aggression as a possible basis of "professional" specialization in ants. Doklady Biological Sciences, 2008, vol. 418, pp. 56-58.
- Zh. I. Reznikova, 2007 Dialog with black box: using Information Theory to study animal language behaviour Acta ethologica, Vol. 10, N1, pp. 1-12, 2007
- E. A. Dorosheva and Zh. I. Reznikova, 2006 An experimental study of behavioral mechanisms of relationships between red wood ants and ground beetles Entomological Review Volume 86, Number 2 /March, 2006 pp. 139-148
- E. V. Sleptzova and Zh. I. Reznikova, 2006. Formation of springtail (Collembola) communities during colonization of ant-hills. Entomological Review, V. 86, N 4, pp. 373-382. Online Date Thursday, July 20,2006
- Zh.I. Reznikova, S.N. Panteleeva 2005. The Ontogeny of Hunting Behaviour in Ants: Experimental Study Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 401 No. 1 pp.139-141
- Zhanna Reznikova, Helen Dorosheva 2004. Impacts of red wood ants Formica polyctena on the spatial distribution and behavioural patterns of ground beetles (Carabidae) Pedobiologia, 48 pp.15-21
- Zh. I. Reznikova, 2003.Distribution patterns of ants in diffirent natural zones and landscapes in Kazakhstan and West Siberia along a meridian trend.Eurasian Entomological Journal, 2(4) pp. 235-242 (in Russian and English).
- Zhanna Reznikova, Boris Ryabko 2003. In the Shadow of the Binary Tree: of Ants and Bits. Proceedings of the 2nd Internat. Workshop of the Mathematics and Algorithms of Social Insects.
- Zhanna Reznikova, 2003 Goverment and nepotism in social insects: new demension provided by experimental approach (pdf, in Russian AND English)Euroasian Enthomological Journal, 2(1) 3-14
- Zhanna Reznikova, Boris Ryabko, A STUDY OF ANTS' NUMERICAL COMPETENCE, Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence Issue: Vol. 5(2001): Section B: pp. 111-126
- Zh. I. Reznikova and S. N. Panteleeva, Interaction of the Ant Myrmica rubra L. as a Predator with Springtails (Collembola) as a Mass Pre, Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 380, 2001, pp. 475-477
- Zh. I. Reznikova and E. A. Dorosheva, Effect of Red Wood Ants on Carabid Behavior: Experimental Studies at the Individual Level, Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 375, 2000, pp. 644-646
- Reznikova Zh.I., Ryabko B.Ya. 2000. Using Information Theory Approach to study the communication system and numerical competence in ants. In : From Animals to Animats 6. Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London. pp. 501 - 506.
- Sleptzova E.V., Berezina O.G., Reznikova Zh.I. 2000.Ant's role in shaping of biodiversity of springtails (Collembola) in West Siberia and Central Yakutia. In: Biodiversity and dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia. V. 4 : Forest and soil ecosystems of North Eurasia Novosibirsk, Russia, pp. 54 - 56.
- Reznikova Zh.I. 2000. Ants' diversity and community structure in West Siberia and Kazakhstan.In: Biodiversity and dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia. V. 3: Diversity of the fauna of North Eurasia.Novosibirsk, Russia, pp. 90 - 93.
- Zh. I. Reznikova, Ethological Mechanisms of Population Density Control in Coadaptive Complexes of Ants, Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 30, No. 3, 1999, pp. 187-192
- Reznikova Zh.I., Ryabko B.Ya. 1999. First steps in the search for general features in humam and animal languages.In: " Human Ethology on the Threshold of the twenty- first century: new facts and old problems".Moscow, Russian State University of Humanity, pp. 247-283.
- Zh. I. Reznikova and T. A. Novgorodova, The Importance of Individual and Social Experience for Interaction between Ants and Symbiotic Aphids.Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 359, 1998, pp. 173-175
- Zh. I. Reznikova, Interspecies Social Comtrol in Ant Communities. Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 361, 1998, pp. 428-430
- Zh. I. Reznikova and B. Ya.Ryabko, Transmission of information regarding the quantitative characteristics of objects in ants. Neuroscience and Behavioural Psychology, Vol. 36,N5,1996, pp. 396-405
- B. Ya. Ryabko, Zh. I. Reznikova. Using Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity to study the communicative system and cognitive capacities in antsl Complexity, John Wiley&Sons Inc., New York,USA,Vol.2, N 2, 1996, pp. 37-42
- T.A. Novgorodova and Zh. I. Reznikova, Ecological aspects of interaction between ants and aphids in the forest park zone of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center. Siberian Journal of Ecology, N3-4, 1996, pp. 239-245
- Zh. I. Reznikova and B.Ya.Ryabko, An experimental study of ants' language and cognitive aptitude based on ideas of the Information Theory. Siberian Journal of Ecology, N4, 194, 1994, pp. 347-359
- Zh. I. Reznikova and B.Ya. Ryabko, Experimental study of the ants' communication system with the application of the Information Theory approach.Memorabilia Zoologica, Vol.48, pp. 219-236, 1994.
- Zh. I. Reznikova and B. Ya. Ryabko, 1993 Ants aptitude for the transmission of information on the number of objects. In: Sensory systems of Arthropods.K.Wiese et al (eds.)Birkhauser Verlag Basel.1993, 634-639.
- N.M.Bugrova and Zh.I. Reznikova, 1990. The state of Formica polyctena Foerst.(Hymenoptera,Formicidae) population in recreation forests.Memorabilia Zoologica, Vol. 44, 1990, pp. 173-175
- Zh. I. Reznikova and B.Ya. Ryabko, 1990. Information Theory approach to communication in ants. In: Sensory systems and communication in Arthropods.Advances in Life Science, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, pp. 305-307
- Zh. I. Reznikova, Interspecific communication between ants. Behaviour, Vol. 80, 1982, pp. 84-95
- I.V. Stebaev and Zh.I. Reznikova, 1972. Two interaction types of ants living in steppe ecosystems in South Siberia. Ecologia Polska, Vol.20, 1972, pp. 103-109